The Birthplace of American Fly Fishing for Over 100 Years- the History of the Beaverkill Valley Inn

The Birthplace of American Fly Fishing for Over 100 Years- the History of the Beaverkill Valley Inn

Originally named the Bonnie View Inn, The Beaverkill Valley Inn was constructed by Mr. and Mrs. J. Rankin Towse in 1895. It is considered a combination of Homestead and American Foursquare styling of Turn of the Century Post-Victorian Domestic Architecture. The Inn is characterized by a wrap- around porch extending the length of the building.

The living room and the card room are enhanced by original fireplaces constructed with hand cut key stones and mantles of hand carved oak.  The wood trim on the first floor reflects the era of its construction and remains intact as it did originally. The dining room appears in its original turn-of-the-century style.  The original lobby area and stairway leading to the second and third floors is highlighted by original ornate oak woodworking.

During the late 1800s and throughout the turn of the century, country inns and boarding houses sprang up along the Beaverkill and surrounding countryside as people from urban areas sought pastoral respites, clean air and scenic vistas. The Boarding house era was characterized by families spending the summer months in the country.  Wives and children generally stayed the summer; husbands retreated to the country on weekends from urban areas. The Beaverkill Valley Inn is the only country Inn of its size, style and era still in operation in the Beaverkill region today.

Guests were lured by the availability of fresh vegetables and milk as well as the wholesome cooking provided by the local innkeepers. Added enjoyments included wading and fishing in the streams, walks along the roadways and paths, berry picking on the mountain slopes, haying and dancing, and other similar pastoral delights. Many families returned to the Inn year after year.  

The Beaverkill Valley Inn remains a unique landmark in the area.  It serves as a focal point in the Beaverkill Valley and tastefully complements the conservation and restoration goals of residents in the valley. The Inn is an integral part of the larger natural setting which surrounds it.  The relationship is symbiotic. The co-existence of the Inn and the Beaverkill environs not only complement and provide positive advantages to each other, but also neither detract nor mar the existing quality and traditions of each other.

We are proud to continue the tradition of serving locally sourced, fresh seasonal produce and farm raised meats for a genuine farm-to-table dining experience. The Inn promotes a healthy living lifestyle and offers many outdoor opportunities for families to experience including hiking, mountain biking, tennis and fly fishing. As in the past, guests eagerly return year after year to enjoy and renew their experience with nature, good food, and old friends. We welcome new visitors to visit and see what the BVI has to offer - book your stay today.

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